Tuesday, May 5, 2015

To the east of Bosnia and Herzegovina have arrested 48-year-old, who is suspected of rape and haras

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BiH authorities have arrested an assistant commander of the Bosnian Serb units Veselin Vlahović. Suspicion is harassment and rape of Bosniak women during the war. All the time to live in the municipality of Rogatica in eastern Bosnia.
To the east of Bosnia and Herzegovina have arrested 48-year-old, who is suspected of rape and harassment of Bosniak women during the war in BiH (1992-1995). It is a former Assistant Commander unit of the Bosnian Serb Veselin Vlahović - pistons, which is also known as a "monster of Grbavica", last year was due to the war crimes sentenced to 42 years in prison.
Bosnian mtv vma online media does not mention the names of a pleasant, but only his initials - GM first will be heard by the competent prosecutor, who will then decide whether it will require the detention. They took him in Rogatica Municipality in the east of the country, where to lived since the war in BiH.
Vlahovic was namely born in 1969 in Montenegro and the Montenegrin citizenship. mtv vma online In 2010, he was arrested by Spanish authorities on suspicion of robbery mtv vma online types in Altea, where he lived and then handed mtv vma online it to BiH.
Vlahovic's crimes against Sarajevans did in three Sarajevo neighborhoods, Grbavica, Vraca and Kovacica. It was a killing, rape, torture and looting of Bosniaks and Croats. Today arrested a man is taking part.
Comments: 38
So what you do is not clear people ?? Why condemn and share in each others ?? No war has not been and will not be the result of an individual irrespective of the nation and the objectives of the war is far from those which are publicly displayed. Above every war is just a bunch of people for their own goals manipulate both Serbs and Muslims - in this case, they said. Also, every single so-called war criminal is due to the state of war, because people basically did not prone to škodoželju due to personal happiness, but because a certain situation, especially psychological !! Of course, this does not approve of, but think outside the box. No one will be doing these heinous things because he is happy, but because the mental state leads to such acts and people Blinding of right and wrong, and the war is definitely a heavy psychological pressure. All these war criminals certainly not all clean in the head and one of them does not have a clear conscience, but the bone for glodati sheep, who still think that it is to blame and condemn the people who was bojevalo pobijalo and, of course, looking for the culprit mtv vma online regardless of nationality ...

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